Monday, April 2, 2007

I'm back!

Haven't been able to write anything for a long time! Bah!

Anyways, it was a good week last week. My sister's guinea pigs had piglets and they're scrumptious and HUGE! They were like the size of hamsters when they were born. Must be painful.

I worked on the mobile Saturday and got really sunburnt without noticing it. Weird how that happens. And I turned down the sunscreen.

I'm working on a program for my computer science class that's like a virtual Rubik's cube that you solve. Call me a geek but it's fun to make.

Nancy is on Spring Break this week. Awesome for her. Makes me jealous.

Gotta go shower! Lots more to write later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just caught myself up on your blog. i seriously almost peed my pants laughing at the aligator story in your toliet. - robin