A toast to Fig Newtons.
I love Fig Newtons.
Bet you didn't know that Fig Newtons date back to 1891 didja? They're named after Newton, Massachusetts. Originally created by the Kennedy Biscuit Company, the concept was sold to soon-to-be Nabisco in 1898.
Fig Newtons are delicious. What was once only a soft, cake-like pastry filled with fig jam has spread its wings! Variety! Nabisco now blesses us with Strawberry, Cherries 'n' Cheesecake, Caramel Apple, Raspberry, and Apple Newtons, along with the classic Fig. Way to evolve, Nabisco. Way to put the "new" in "newton".Ever since the day I was born, I have eaten at least one hundred Fig Newtons daily. A Newton a day keeps the Doctor away. What a coinky-dink that Newtons share their name with Sir Isaac Newton, who was almost as much of a genius as Joshua Josephson, the Kennedy Biscuit Company worker who created the Fig Newton. Sounds like predestination to me.
Fig Newtons will go down in history as the snacker's snack.
Don't you want one now?
Special thanks to Nabisco for sponsoring this post.
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