Monday, March 26, 2007

Happy monday!

Well it's my very favorite day. Ernie's pig still hasn't had pigs of her own. I stayed up late studying for the test I just got finished with. It was tough. We're watching a video in political science today. Sweet relief. Me gusta.

Nancy's dad's birthday party was yesterday. It was bangin. They had a couple guys there playing Celtic music and everything. You missed out, whoever you are. Me gusta.

You know what makes me mad? How DVD's always skip right at the best part. It's never the ending credits or right at the beginning before you get into it. No me GUSTA!

Working on the mobile Saturday was actually fun. No dogs ran away and we didn't get rained on and I didn't screw up any drink orders or anything. Me gusta.

According to the little counter at the bottom of my blog, I'm getting lots of visitors. Me gusta.

We watched "Stranger Than Fiction" the other night and it was reeeally good. Way better than I ever thought it would be. Me gusta.

Me gusta: 5
No me gusta: 1

5 to 1. Must be a good day!

Bye bye.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


That one's named Caterpillar. It's my sister's. I never knew they were that huge. It's a chunker. Anyways I'm going to bed. Business test in the morning.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Good morning.

Well, I'm sitting up here at work waiting for everybody else to get here for the mobile this morning. After that I'll be back in the office getting yelled at worries!

I volunteered Thursday night and it was the first time of actually watching after the kids. It went well though. Now I don't have to be terrified of Thursday nights anymore...nobody died or ate anything toxic or ran away or anything. There were only 5 kids there anyways.

I did some work on the new song yesterday but I have this newsongsyndrome where when I'm working on it it sounds amazing and then when I come back to it later I realize that it's really terrible. So I deleted everything and I'll be starting over. Weird how songs sound so much better in my head. I guess everything is like that.

So far we've had two people come in with their pets having problems from the food recall. We've had at least 2 billion people call about it though. I usually just tell them that they at the worst batch and by the time they get here it will be too late. (KIDDING)

If anybody wants a job working on the mobile let me know because I know Erin is looking for somebody.

Opp gotta go. She's here.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Trash Art

We're dirty.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm bored at work. Wanna see a tree?

Here's more.

Ernie sent me pics of her guinea pigs. I'll post some when I get home.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Ding dong

Ladies and jellybeans.

It was a rough night! I had a monster nap yesterday so last night I couldn't get to sleep at all. At like 2:30am I gave up for awhile and worked on a song (so it wasn't completely a waste) and finally got to sleep at about 4:00 to wake up at 6:30. I'm not tired though. It's weird.

Nancy got second place in the state cosmetology competition! Yeehaw! That's actually kind of better than first because whoever got first will have to fly to across the country for nationals in the Summer. She doesn't know what her prize is yet. We're hoping for a house but some hair products are probably more realistic.

My sister's guinea pig is about to have babies. Can't beat guinea pig babies can you? Life just doesn't get any better. He husband Steve made little guinea pig pockets to carry them around in his hoodie and I think that's awesome. If I had rodents or if Tuna was bite-sized, I would so do that.

And her surgery went well! She's just bored out of her mind and feeling mildly crappy.

My dad flew up this morning. He was getting up about the same time I was falling asleep. Weird. We should have called each other.

Anyways that's it for now. Go away.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Can't beat Saturdays. Either absolutely nothing or we're getting slammed. Right now is one of those nothing times.

I'm working on a new song that I actually kind of like this time. But I haven't started recording yet so it will be awhile. It's tough because my weeknights I have to spend cuddling with the New York Times.

I FINALLY got the new Lovedrug CD and it's gooooood. Really good. If I ever made a movie, one of their songs would be the music for the credits rolling. Probably the song Thieving. I also heard my new favorite song this don't just find that in a bushel basket! It's called I Had No Intentions by Damien Jurado. If it sucks, remember that I only heard it once so I'm not responsible. But I'm pretty sure it was good.

If anybody has a crappy bass they want to donate to the Music for Michael Fund then let me know. The bass tracks on my drum machine all sound like they're straight out of the 80's.

I've never met the vet tech that works in the mornings but she leaves muffins here cause she works at Atlanta Bread and I don't think I'd live through Saturday without those. So she's cool.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Boy howdy.

What a week huh? Finally almost over.

Little did I know when I signed up for my political science class that I would drown in the New York Times for the next three months. She has us reading like idiots. Idiots who read way too much. That's why I haven't been on here much lately. I'm living the spickle spackle life of computer science geeks, feline diseases, and the Bush administration. No autographs please.

Anyway I did the first volunteering at the GLA tonight. I'll be taking care of kids while their parents learn how to read, but tonight I just sat in while this Amish looking woman taught foreign people how to speak English. Highlight: (you know how I love the highlights) this tall Mexican guy who said that love makes him angry because he no has the money because the women take.

Word of the day: privy. I've always had a special spot for that word. Why? I can't tell're not privy to that information.


Well Tuna just said hello everyone. She loves to lay down on the keyboard. But only while I'm typing.

Tomorrow's the night I'm having dinner with my mom's side of the family. That will be cool because I don't see my cousin except for like every few years.

I think that's all the rambling there is tonight. Pretty uneventful week I guess.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Long day. I'm tired. You're not getting anything out of me tonight!


Monday, March 12, 2007

Newspapers and drag queens.

Quite a day. Here's the outline:

  • Woke up, decided not to study, tried to set the alarm later but accidentally set the clock later in my sleepy stupidness.
  • Woke up again a little late, but since I set the clock back later I thought it was like an hour later than it was, so I freaked out.
  • Figured it out, felt stupid.
  • Ate too much breakfast.
  • Did alright on the quiz.
  • Met Nancy for frozen lunch. Mmmm.
  • Walked into work with them blasting my song.
  • Said "you butthole" and ran away.
  • Heard my song being blasted over the work intercom and screamed a little.
  • Saw a hook caught in a dog's lip and the tiniest dog in the world. More of a rodent than a dog.
  • Waited approximately 14 hours for them to make me a burger at FU.
  • Drove around for another 14 hours looking for a parking spot.
  • Found one and went to the drag queen show.
  • Laughed and laughed. Although the 70 year old woman in front of me enjoyed it more than anybody. You should have seen her.
  • Came home to find that I have to read exactly 18 articles out of the NYTimes for political science.
  • Took a break to write this.
I'm feelin' the need to go into more detail about the drag show. For one, they were great singers. Called themselves a "dragapella" group. They were pretty racy but not really over the limit. Highlight was when they dragged some guy named Thomas up from the crowd and dressed him in drag. He rocked it. They also kindheartedly thanked all the protesters for the amount of publicity they brought to them. It was PACKED. Lowlight: SEEING THEM CLOSE UP! From far away you could kind of tell they were men but from close up they looked like a horrible clown-drag-beastwithtoomuchmakeup nightmare. Especially the little Asian one. Gives me the shivers to think about. Tuna will protect me.

Well it just tickles my fancy to find out that my poll already has so many votes. I think it's really like 3 people that keep voting but I like to pretend that I'm getting groupies.

To avoid reading more articles, I'm gonna write a blues song about today. Here goes.
Woke up this morning,
Set the clock back.
Woke up again,
Anxiety attack.

Mmm chocolate waffle.
No gum afterwards.
My breath's something awful.
Can't say a woooooord

I got the blues!
Men, women, at the same time
The drag queen blues!
Welllll I'm readin in da paper
My teach, just can't escape her....
I got the blues.
That was truly terrible. Thank you. I'd say I won't quit my day job but I think I might have more talent at writing blues than at explaining dewormers.

Show and tell time!

If anyone wants to buy me a birthday present, look no further.

Gourmet urinals:

Alligator story:

When I was about 10, I was taking a bath one morning and I heard this crash kind of sound. I peaked around the shower curtain and didn't see anything so I didn't care.

Later, I was getting out and I happened to look at the toilet and there was an alligator in the bowl looking right at me. I screamed my naked little head off!

Then I realized that the alligator head I had on a shelf above the toilet fell in the toilet and I wasn't going to die. I took a picture to capture the moment:

As lifelike as it looks, I must admit it's fake. But you can see why I was so scared.

Alright I'm starting to talk a little crazy so I think I should leave.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Daily ramble.

Hey now.

It's bedtime for a geezer like me. I have a quiz tomorrow and I studied as much as I can so I'm going to pull the old "I think I'll finish in the morning" study myth that never comes true. But I'm going to study in the morning. I am!

Did three things today:

  1. Sat around.
  2. Worked out.
  3. Went to hang out with my parents (highlight!)
All in all, not a bad Sunday. Although I did have to suffer my way through a wrinkly mushy apple today (lowlight!).

Anyways I'm going to bed so I can "study" tomorrow. Goodnight!

Dust drawings

Check out what this guy can do with a dusty car and his fingers:

Cat and mouse game.

Secret lovers.

Saw a good movie yesterday.

Called "The Station Agent." Check it out.

Well I keep smelling something and I'm starting to get worried that it's me so I'm going to shower.

P.S. We got a parrot to board with us at the vet. It's a butthole though. Not like Merlin.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

For diddyo.

Urban Dictionary: scrumtrulescent

Happy happy joy joy

Here's what's on my thinking agenda for the day:

- The big headed cat I talked about has hydrocephalus

- They named her Topsy. How cruel is that?

- Nancy's brother Brian's first lacrosse tournament is today. I'm working. :(

- I neeeeeed the new Lovedrug CD. It's vital. Pivotal.

- They make these savory sauces for dog food that look reeeeeally good. I'm always tempted to throw a bbq with the beef one.

- Me and Nancy are working on a song together. Work in progress, but so far, scrumtrulescent.

- I want a chocolate waffle. Or that cinnamon french toast from IHOP. Either one.

- Was this past week the longest week ever for anyone else?


Friday, March 9, 2007

One more.

This really freaked me out.

More weird angles here.

I don't know how I'm always finding this stuff.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Bloggedy blog

Well I tried to fix the song so my crazy cool work friends won't harass me to sing :). If it didn't work before, then try again. But don't tell me if you hear it because my cheeks will get all rosey on you.

We had this awesome cat with like cat down's syndrome or something at the vet today. It was mostly blind and it had a huge forehead and tiny ears and huge eyes and wasn't real smart but I swear I wanted to steal it and move away with it. You know how you fall in love with that crazy guy (Sloth) from the goonies? It's the same thing. Except Sloth was just ugly and the cat's ugliness makes it cute. I need a picture. If you google "feline down's syndrome" it doesn't really work. And I tried hard.

Anyways, for a long time now it's been my dream to go in a nice restaurant and casually order a pair of pants, and then when they say they don't have it, scream and stomp out. And I want to do it. If I were in a restaurant right now I would order crumpets and trousers and then throw a fit if I didn't get both of them!

I think that's sleepiness talking. My itchy eyes are saying sleep but my heart is saying no! Gotta write! In three months I'll read this and miss the good old days and be glad that I didn't go to sleep.

Tuna just clawed the crap out of me to get in my lap. She owns me. I'm a tool.

Link of the day: Who thought construction paper could make me feel so unoriginal?

Picture of the day:

Julian Beever, the big papa of sidewalk painting. More here. The globe is pretty a pretty cool one.

After playing ninja with my elbow for half an hour, Tuna finally went to sleep in my lap. Right when I need to get up. Hard knock life.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Volunteer work quickie

I have to go to work but I just felt like telling the world that for the PS class I just added, we have to do 2 hours a week of volunteer work at Greenville Literacy Association (GLA). I don't know what I'll be doing yet, but hopefully it will be taking care of the students' kids while the students are in class (the students are all over 17 years old). That would be a nice one.

I guess it doesn't really count as volunteer work if they're making us do it, but I'm kind of looking forward to it. So maybe it still counts. Wish me luck.

Off to work.

Vegetable art.

Yayyyy check them out.

Crazy baby.

This is what happens when your dad is a graphic designer.

So dark!

Fo' twenty seben in the mo'nin! Can't sleep! Can't sleep! Boom boom bah!

The cool thing about being a CS major is that being around all the other ones makes me feel good about myself. Poor things. Today in lab, the guy I was sitting with kept clapping and kind of sticking his fingers out at the computer like he was putting a spell on it. I call him Squeakster because of his voice. It's ok to make fun of him because he's mean to everybody. Bad Squeakster. We made a program that added the numbers 1 to 10. They add up to 55. I know that because my baller program told me.

House last night was a good one! WHOA WAS IT EVER! MAH! Except it got you all excited and scared that he was dying of brain cancer and then it turns out he was lying and it was kind of anticlimactic. Poor House. Gotta love him. I've never gotten like this about a show before but that show is some kind of drug for me. Like cocaine or peanut butter.

Here's a couple pics from Charleston in 2005.

Look at baby Landon! Chunksterrrrr.

4:38 now. Time for bed? Still not tired. I guess I'll ramble some more.

Didn't see that coming did you!

"Ninety-eight percent of us will die at some point in our lives."

4:43. If I go to sleep now I'll probably get two more good hours. I think I'll ramble more instead.

There's been this big controversy at Furman about how a drag show is coming to FU and they're giving CLP credit to go to it. Here's my well educated, well researched, well thought-out expert opinion: Gay men in girls' clothes...that's funny. Not serious.

We had a pug at the vet today that was getting spayed named Mibi. She's so crazy that I opened the cage to pet her and she kept trying to jump out even though she's like 6 feet in the air. It took like 3 minutes for me to figure out how to slide my arm out without letting her fall and break herself. I love pugs.

Merlin, my umbrella cockatoo friend at the vet went home. He's the coolest bird ever. He always scoots over to the side of the cage when he sees me so I can pet him. But if nobody's back there with him he starts squawking really loud. One guy asked if we were treating dinosaurs. Smart guy.

OK I think that's enough. Goooodnight.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Almost done.

For some reason I'm supposed to be here till 6:30 today to answer the phone. Three minutes left. Perfect time for an update.

There was a big hassle trying to get into class. I already can't stand my Spanish so I'm dropping that and finally found a PS class I could switch to. Whewwwwwwww.

Working with a new doctor this week. She's so smart it's intimidating, like I'm afraid to say anything because it will be stupid compared to what she says.


Highlight of the day: lunch at taco casa with Nancy and Katlin. Empanadas and good company, how can you go wrong.

6:29. That minute went by fast.

My paragraphs are tiny.


Alright I'm clocking out. Byeeee bye.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Dear diary meh meh meh

Well it's bedtime. I'm going two rounds with my printer trying to print my schedule for tomorrow. Nancy's in bed but Tuna just freaked out and is battling the string to the window blinds so she'll probably wake up any minute.

Good day today. Ate tons, saw my parents, got new shoes, new lovedrug CD is out in a few days, AND I get a chocolate waffle tomorrow morning. THAT is hardcore.

Saw Kyle Timmerman at Best Buy. That was cool. And Merlin (the money bird at the vet) told Nancy hello. What more can you ask for?

I win, printer loses. Ballerrrrr...that means its bedtime.

P.S. Just the other day Nancy told me that Brick by Ben Folds Five is about abortion and now it all makes sense. I guess that's good and bad.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Art and Death

One of my profs told me that a couple years back an old guy bought the original Starry Night for way more than any other painting has ever been sold for.

Then obviously, since he was old, he died.

In his will, he said he wanted to be cremated with his painting and have his ashes and his painting's ashes buried together.

The Chinese government (I think he was Chinese) said NO! They cremated him but took back his painting.

Not cool, China.

I laughed.

Here's more.

Speed Painting

Somebody paints Thom Yorke (lead singer of Radiohead) using Photoshop in 4 hours and they sped it up. Pretty amazing.

If you don't know what he looks like, here's one for comparison.


Mmmmmm. Only a true big papa blogs his lunch.

Workin Hard

Well I'm at work. I have a kitten with FIP on my lap and I just got yelled at by the guy who owns Cujo, and somebody just brought in a wild duck that got ran over.


In Philosophy we talked a lot about the difference between fulfilling and unfulfilling work. I think we can all guess which one this is.

Oop someone pulled up. Gotta go.

Reeeeally Low Budge

Welllll I went and recorded a song in my bedroom. But I can't sing. So a long story short: song is mediocre, singing is horrible.

But it was fun!

Edit: Think it might only work with Firefox? IE doesn't seem to like it. Let me know if that's right...

Avoiding Terrorism

Check it out. Hiiiilarious.

Late Night Rambling

Here's what's up:

My sister's wedding is in a couple of months! I'm happy. He's a good guy.

Nancy is staying with her friend tonight and going to a wedding tomorrow. I never realized how boring it is without her. I miss her.

Furman's spring break is just about over. Funny how it can end before spring even begins. You'd think that would be a hint.

I finally decided on a Computer Science major. We'll see how that goes.

I need to start looking for a morning job for the summer.

I saw the nastiest thing I've ever seen in my life a few days ago at the vet. Ever. If you hate animals, love nasty smells, and can't get yelled at enough, then you can have my job. It blows.

We found out Nancy's step brother is engaged to be married in like 2 months. Cross your fingers that he's not being stupid and rushing into it.

My eyes hurt.

Tuna just knocked a picture off the wall. I'm gonna go fix it. Night guys.

"Fall into pairs like two ugly fish, to rare for extinction, I know."

Friday, March 2, 2007

Check out this fine feline.

Tuna's such a pimp.

Welcome me.

Hey there. I'm new here. I probably will post about twice and then quit but we'll see. Anyways I like you so talk to me.