Saturday, March 17, 2007

Can't beat Saturdays. Either absolutely nothing or we're getting slammed. Right now is one of those nothing times.

I'm working on a new song that I actually kind of like this time. But I haven't started recording yet so it will be awhile. It's tough because my weeknights I have to spend cuddling with the New York Times.

I FINALLY got the new Lovedrug CD and it's gooooood. Really good. If I ever made a movie, one of their songs would be the music for the credits rolling. Probably the song Thieving. I also heard my new favorite song this don't just find that in a bushel basket! It's called I Had No Intentions by Damien Jurado. If it sucks, remember that I only heard it once so I'm not responsible. But I'm pretty sure it was good.

If anybody has a crappy bass they want to donate to the Music for Michael Fund then let me know. The bass tracks on my drum machine all sound like they're straight out of the 80's.

I've never met the vet tech that works in the mornings but she leaves muffins here cause she works at Atlanta Bread and I don't think I'd live through Saturday without those. So she's cool.



Anonymous said...

You deleted my NY Times web crawling NSA kaboom comment. And your posting! Vandal!

I hope you didn't think I was serious...

Mike Crittenden said...

you weren't serious?!? i deleted it the second i read it! it scared the crap out of me! haha!